Monday, September 17, 2012


I love the crisp smell in the air.  I love the sound of the drying leaves rustling as the wind blows through them.  I love the thought of baking an apple pie, or a stuffed squash.  And the fact that I got to eat turkey dinner with all the yummy things that go with it (B&G Produce roasted carrots!) for dinner--before they ran out of food just an hour after starting to serve.  What do I love most about fall?  The cooler temperatures and no humidity.  I just feel better.  And I apparently looked better, since my (she makes me say this--"favorite") aunt stopped by my office while she was in town today and she said I looked much better then the last time she saw me.  Apparently in June I looked "scary."  Hello!  I'd been sedated and had tubes shoved down my throat, stuck in a large scan tube, and had everything from my neck to navel echo tested.  And lost a ton of blood because the idiot nurse didn't know how to draw from an IV tube.  There was blood all over the side table.  Still went shopping both days though!  Some things a girl just has to do.   

And I'm very happy tonight--my Lefse 101 class is officially filled!  The class is November 3 at Faith Lutheran Church. Attendees will take home lefse, coupons for lefse equipment from Hogen's Hardware Hank, and a booklet of authentic Norwegian recipes from my very own family.  YAY!  And now it is time for bed.  Snuggled under a huge pile of blankets.  Ahhhhh.


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