What do you get when a red monkey is cross-bred with a cow? You get the latest evil prank played by friends that know I hate monkeys! Gee thanks, Vi This is what Cow-key (yes, that is his official name) looks like:
In other news of note, I am thinking about drawing a line in the sand. If nothing happens with a transplant by May 24 (my birthday and Dr. E's), I may just decide that all the stress and frustration of being here isn't worth it. My MELD really isn't high enough to make me a priority candidate like it was when I was hospitalized in March. I go to the doctor each week and hear "see you next week." Why? Nothing seems to change or happen. As of yesterday, we've been sitting in Milwaukee for three months at the transplant center's direction. Well, none of us can take much more. They ask if we want to see the transplant psychiatrist. Why? To be told that we need to focus on other things, have hobbies, journal (I blog--same thing). Do I want a medication just to take the edge off? No--I do not want to take more pills. I take enough. Maybe I should and hope that they cause my MELD to go up. But I don't want to cause anymore damage to my kidneys. Catch 22.
Frustrated and fed-up with waiting? Abso-fucking-lutely!
3 days ago
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