Monday, January 2, 2012

I'm sure you didn't really say that!

Ok, in my previous post, I promised to be more positive this year.  Well, I have to start that tomorrow.  Today, it took all I had not to "bitch-slap" the owner of Infinity Natural Health.  I went into the store since I was at the mall to do some walking and checking for bargains.  I was actually in a good mood since I found fuzzy brown gloves at JC Penney to match my new winter coat.  Infinity carries some good brands of organic food.  However, I noticed that very little of it was actually lower in sodium.  The woman that owns the store said that if that is what I need I'd just love their raw food section.  Three shelves of what appeared to be birdseed and I'm supposed to get excited?  I tried again to explain what I was looking for  She then lectured me on how there are no forbidden foods and everything can be treated by addressing your digestion.  No, that won't clear up the cirrhosis I have for no known reason.  "Well, that is something you caused."  No, I did not.  I have not had more than about 40 drinks in my entire life, and the majority of those were wine coolers--not even hard alcohol.  "Well, it was created by you."  No, it was not.  She continued to tell me it's my fault that I have NASH liver.  I was so angry that I knew if I didn't walk out, we would wind up in a shouting match and I'd likely smack her.  I don't hit old ladies, so I left.  She kept at me the entire time I was walking out.  Finally I just yelled 'thanks' and was out the door.  Basically, she sold herself out of a customer.  Tomorrow I plan to call the state medical association and report her for practicing medicine without a license.  Her statement that some mysterious Dr. Schultz holistic person wouldn't agree that there isn't a real cause for my condition  just made it worse.  There is no doctor by that name here, so who knows where she is getting her info.  And who knows what she says in the nutrition classes she teaches.  She has just enough information to be truly dangerous.  And suggesting that people just improve their digestion when they may need real medical treatment is very negligent.  And they put their cell phone numbers right on their business cards so you can get them if you have an emergency.  A digestion emergency?  An emergency need for spirulina chips?  How utterly ridiculous.


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