I have a "funky liver." I was diagnosed in 2010 with a condition called NASH liver and cirrhosis. I couldn't understand why I had cirrhosis when I've never been a drinker. So after putting off the transplant evaluation for a year, I hit a rough spot and wound up in the hospital several times due to Hepatic encephalopathy. Basically, my liver stopped removing the toxins from my blood, and they built up in my brain. Kind of makes me a little nutty I guess (more than usual I'm told). So now I'm just hanging out, waiting to move up on the transplant list, and sharing some experiences, stories, and resources with you.
Last week I had labs drawn, and I got the results yesterday. My MELD score has gone from 15 to 14. Yay! As "the Martha" would say, it's a good thing. Not much else to report. Just looking forward to Christmas. Have a happy holiday!
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