. . . the mice definitely play! We had a party on Thursday at work. It was for James' 18th birthday, I've been back in Pierre for 6 months with no problems, and Don and Linda are leaving us. So I made a gigantic pan of apple crisp--of which there wasn't so much as a crumb of the crumb topping left. If it doesn't get up and walk away, someone in the office WILL eat it. After I left work, I came home to eat dinner and relax. My phone chirped that I had a new message. I'd seen the paper hat Tina made for James the night before. But the hats had become pandemic, attaching themselves to the heads of seemingly intelligent people. Attorneys even. The tower fan had even been infected. As of yet, there is no cure. Here, see what I mean?
James and Don, sporting the latest in call center technology--the tri-corn headset!
Strangely enough, the more they enjoy themselves, the more productive they are. And the more sugared up they are, the more productive they are. So I will gladly make some treats now and then if it means happy workers. And the best part about apple crisp (aside from the crumbly topping, that is)? NO sodium!! A perfectly legal treat. It's fruit, the oatmeal is fiber, and all the cinnamon should help control blood sugar. Ok, maybe that's at stretch with the added sugar and the whipped topping we loaded on, but it's still not bad as desserts go.
Time to go take my meds so I get nice and drowsy by the time I need to crawl into bed. Toodles Poodles!
3 days ago