Yes, it's been a while since I updated the blog. I've been busy getting re-situated after coming home. Still doing great. No swelling. All the weight it staying off. My color and eyes are good. And I have a normal appetite. Which is good, because I've come down with a raging case of cooking. Thanks to the world of divided Ziploc trays and assorted containers, I've got 18 meals up in the freezer. I'll try to post a picture of the freezer later. Very well organized, but I'm running out of room. I'm making chili in the crock pot today, so that will put in another two meals or so. Now when I get home from work, I can just pick out whatever I'm hungry for and toss it in the super nuker!
And it is now officially cold out. I've been warm enough from the insulated heat in the building that I haven't had to turn on the heat. After cooking in the oven last night, I was very warm. I almost sweat even! But I've been waking up and couldn't figure out why until I had one of the sleep spasms I get when I'm cold. Dug out a few more blankets to top the comforter, and I should be good. I'm getting really tired now, so maybe it's time to go back to bed. Got a late start to sleep due to the city doing some street repairs around 11 PM. Perfect time for that, right:? Weirdness abounds in the public works department here in getting flood repairs done. Going to take the diuretics now, so I'll be sleeping for a few hours before I start getting up every few hours again.
Night for now!
The start of the prepared meals . . . it would eventually double! Inside out chicken pot pie, luau pork, ham loaf, chicken a couple ways, scalloped potatoes, two kinds of soup. Too obsessive? Nah--just easy to grab a quick dinner.
3 days ago